Product Development
Product development is necessary because of changes in the market, demand analysis and particular customer requirements. The first step towards a new product begins with the specifications from the customer, which are prepared in collaboration with our sales staff. Various methods are used to generate ideas which then lead to a visualisation and the first graphic representations and sketches. CAD programs enhance the hand drawn outlines and create a 3D model which can be sent electronically to the customer. These models are virtually developed and given physical attributes.
The next step is a technical drawing. Using the model as a guide the developers at VKF Renzel create visualisations and exploded views, write assembly and installation instructions and design presentations and animations. Additionally the item is introduced to the customer with a project description. This, together with the help of design, dimension and function testing, determines whether the product fulfils its requirements. Where necessary the customer can make changes and approve production of a sample.
Using so-called “digital prototyping”, VKF Renzel can carry out functional analyses, motion simulations and assembly tests on the computer.
Using so-called “digital prototyping”, VKF Renzel can carry out functional analyses, motion simulations and assembly tests on the computer.